
In order to meet realistic demands of businesses for investing in IT infrastructures for employees, and to meet the security and investing funding requirements as well as business operation costs.

Target Solution

    • Optimize the investment funding of information technology. (hardware, software)
    • Optimize operating costs of information technology. (electricity, deployment time, repair time)
    • Improve system security. (avoid data lost and leakage)
    • Simplify information technology applications for employees.
    • Increase business capacity.


We deliver technology integration solutions to meet the demands within your business while meeting our target to increase efficiency for businesses.

Furthermore, this is also a central user management solution (similar to Citrix, VMWare Horizon,…) which will meet the strict demand for system security.

Operating Principle

Figure 1: Operation principle diagram

Users using controlling workstation (with low configuration with Operating System such as Windows / Linux / Android..) through applications to connect to the central controlling workstation (with high configuration and licensed softwares) to run application for work on Windows OS from central processing workstation.

Differences of solutions (within a business with 30 employees)

Comparison content Traditional solution Central Control Solution
Workstation 30 machines (core i5, RAM 8GB) 30 machines (Celeron, RAM 4GB)
Central processing workstation 0 2 machines (core i9, RAM 64GB)
Hardware costs (tradition workstation, controlling workstation, central processing workstation: 15 mil, 7 mil, 70mil) 30 x 15.000.000 = 450.000.000 30 x 7.000.000 + 2 x 70.000.000 = 350.000.000
Operating cost (tradition workstation, controlling workstation, central processing workstation:350[W], 65[W], 600[W] with estimated electricity rates: 3.5 VND/W ~ 3.500 VND/ kW) 30[workstations] x
350[W/h] x 3.5[VNĐ] x 10 [business hours] x 26 [business days] =
30[workstations] x
65[W/h] + 2 [central processing workstation] x 600[W/h]} x 3.5[VNĐ] x 10 [business hours] x 26[business days] = 2.866.500[VNĐ/month]
Deployment time for users 3h / processing workstation 30” / controlling workstation
Error correction time 1h / processing workstation 15” / controlling workstation
Workstation security enhancement time 4h / processing workstation 4h / central processing workstation

Table 1: Comparison within a business of 30 employees.


This comparison chart clearly shows the advantages of the centrally control solution. From, investment fee, operation fees, error correction to security enhancement (upgrading security is only needed on the central processing workstation, other controlling workstations completely do not store data).

The configuration for central processing workstation has accounted for load balancing solution (during normal operation, the number of connected employees will be divided equally between 2 centrally processing workstation) and backup (when 1 central processing workstation is broken, all employees will be able to connect to the other workstation in order to continue working.)

Guarantee form suppliers

1.Time for deployment

Business day
01 Install operating system and applications based on provided list
02 Transfer devices to the office to join domain
03 Configure controls and optimize devices workload
04 Install individual application (Kaspersky,…)
05 Create users, test client connection
06 Configure profile user policy (mail, data)
07 Initiate for employees to use
08 – 10 Create administrative documentations for users and admin

Time of deployment for 1 central processing workstation (based on the deployment time of controlling workstation provided in table 1)

2.Support after deployment

    • Remote support, on-site support
    • 24×7 support
    • 8×5 support

3.Warranty support

Devices used within the solution will have priority warranty (with equivalent components to borrow during the warranty period)

4.Human resources deployment

With more than 20 years of experience in the field of IT, we have consulted, provided and deployed many system infrastructure, servers, virtualization, networking and security solutions.