
In order to meet realistic demands of businesses for investing in IT infrastructures for employees, and to meet the security and investing funding requirements as well as business operation costs.

Target Solution

– 1. Optimize the investment funding of information technology. (hardware, software)

– 2. Optimize operating costs of information technology. (electricity, deployment time, repair time)

– 3. Improve system security. (avoid data lost and leakage)

– 4. Simplify information technology applications for employees.

– 5. Increase business capacity.


We deliver technology integration solutions to meet the demands within your business while meeting our target to increase efficiency for businesses.

Figure 1. Virtual system

Virtualization technology brings maximum usage capacity of servers through the division of physical servers into multiple independent virtual servers. Furthermore, this technology enables the ability to quickly backup and recover systems when there are hardware errors or malwares.

Figure 2. Firewall system

Firewall protects businesses from threats from outside sources especially to prevent invasions from the Internet into internal components, data leakages. Furthermore, firewalls also assist businesses to enhance business performance through diversifying external access into internal components and vice versa, connect internal components through the internet using VPN.

Figure 3. Centrally controlled system

Users operate workstations (with low configuration using operating system such as: Windows / Linus / Android…) through applications to connect to the central ddispatching workstation (with high configuration and licensed software) to run applications for work on Windows operating system.

Differences of solutions (businesses with 20 employees)

Comparison content

Tradition solution

Business System Solution

Server, domain

1 machine (core i5, RAM 8GB)

1 machine (core i9, RAM 64GB)

Data backup


1 machine (core i9, RAM 64GB)

Data recovery

6 hours for 500GB

5” for the whole system

Bandwidth Load Balancing

Draytek 2960 (2 internet connections)

Integrated within the server (core i9, RAM 64GB)


Sophos XG125

Integrated within the server (core i9, RAM 64GB)

Filtering websites and viruses

Licenses subscription annually based brand

Integrated within the server (core i9, RAM 64GB)

Website advertisements (store chains, shopping departments)

Buy services from outsourcing companies.

–       Web configuration package

Website load balancing (2 web servers running parallelly on site at the business)

Barracuda Load Balancer ADC 340

–       Load 1 configuration package

–       Load 2 configuration package

Central workstation


Integrated within the server (core i9, RAM 64GB)


20 machines (core i5, RAM 8GB)

20 machines (Celeron, RAM 4GB)

Operating fees (traditional workstation, control workstation, central workstation: 350[W], 65[W] and estimated electricity rate 3.5 VND/W~ (3.500 VND/ kW)

21 [workstation and server] x 350[W/h] x 3.5[VND] x 10 [business hours per day] x 26 [business days] = 6.688.500 [VND/ month]

{20 [workstation] x 65[W/h] + 2 [central workstation] x 600[W/h]} x 3.5[VND] x 10 [business hours per day] x 26 [business day] = 2.275.000 [VND/month]

Hardware costs (traditional workstation, control workstation, central workstation: 15mil, 7mil, 70mil VND)

21 x 15.000.000 = 315.000.000 VND

20 x 7.000.000 + 2 x 70.000.000 = 280.000.000 VND

Troubleshooting time

1h/ processing workstation

15”/ processing workstation

Deployment time for users

3h / processing workstation

30”/ processing workstation

Security upgrade time for workstations

4h / processing workstation

4h/ central processing workstation.

Table 1: Comparison within a business of 20 employees.

This comparison table shows the clear advantage of our business system solution. From investment fees, operation fees, troubleshooting fees to security upgrade fees (upgrading security is only required on the central control workstation, while other control workstation do not store any data)

The configuration of the central control has considered load division (during normal operation, the number of connected employees will be equally divided between 2 central control workstation) and back up (when 1 central control workstation is broken, all the employees will connect to the other workstation to continue working).

Guaranteed from the supplier

Time of deployment


Comparison content



–       Configure virtual environment using VMWare infrastructure.

–       pfSense configuration (1 LAN & 2 WAN)

–       LAN configuration to connect to the Internet, open access for external sources into internal sources (NAT & Rule) based on request.

–       Connectivity to main office configuration (VPN site to site), allow working from outside the office (VPN Client to site)

–       Install web filter (from LAN to the internet) – Establish load balancing and Internet bandwidth backup.

–       Configure server domain to Windows Server 2016/2019

–       Domain controller configuration, Group Policy Security, DNS.

–       Install and join domain of virtual control workstation (Windows 10)

–       Install requested application to the central control workstation.

–       Configure control workstation into central control workstation.

–       Optimize application within central control workstation.

–       Create administration documentations.

14 days


–       Expand Internet lines (maximum 7 lines)

–       Create load balance and backup Internet connection.

–       Administration documentations.

 3 days (optional)


–       Expand Internet lines (maximum 4095 lines)

–       Create load balance and backup Internet connection.

–       Administration documentations.

3 days (optional)


–       Create load balance for server unit with the same functionality (web/mail)

–       Administration documentations.

3 days (optional)


–       Create load balance for 2 server unit with the same functionality (web/ mail)

–       Administration documentations.

3 days (optional)


–       Configure web marketing while accessing static website.

–       Administration documentation.

3 days (optional)


–       Homepage design for web marketing.

–       Configure web marketing filter.

–       Configure marketing data gathering.

–       Administration documentation.

1 month (optional)


Table 2: Time to deploy business systems.


Support after deployment

–       Remote support, on-site support

–       24×7 support

–       8×5 support

Warranty support

–       Devices used within the solution will have priority warranty (with equivalent components to borrow during the warranty period)

Human resources deployment

–       With more than 20 years of experience in the field of IT, we have consulted, provided and deployed many system infrastructure, servers, virtualization, networking and security solutions.